Saturday, March 13, 2010


Greetings everyone!  Yes, we are all alive and well here in the McGinness household.  I have had a serious blog drought.  I do apologize for the long break between posts.  It has just been very busy.  I think I mentioned it before, but I am running for school board.  I have literally spent most of my nights working on campaign odds and ends.  We are also busy with Cade and his soccer and baseball practices (games start soon for both sports), as well as his nightly homework.  Cali still takes gymnastics and there is always a school activity mixed in there as well.  Here are a few pictures from the past couple of weeks:


Maybe this blog post will get me "back on track".  I will try my best to keep you all updated.  Please check back soon.  Good night. 

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About Us

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Platte City, Missouri, United States
We are a family of four...Adam, Kim, Cade, and Cali Liu. We have two dogs, Breck and Bell.